




 for all those who believe
there's beauty in simplicity

Home Decor

One of my goals this year for our home was to add in loads of Character. Even though our house was built in the 40s it really lacks a lot of the beautiful characteristics that typical old homes were built with. I’m not sure if they were removed or just never there but regardless we […]

Adding Character with Limewash

Valentines Day is right around the corner and we have been adding all things Valentine into our Homeschool days. We don’t usually go all out for Valentines Day but I do try and make each Holiday special. This year we made Homemade Sugar cookies (Recipe here). We used this new Vegetable based dye (here) for […]

Valentines Cookies, Drinks, Gift guide and Craft


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Have you seen these adorable Fire Log Holders? I just love how unique they are and how much character they can add to an outdoor space. After searching for the exact size I was hoping for and coming up empty handed I decided to DIY it. What you Need: 1x12x6′ Pine Board 1x12x8′ Pine Board […]

DIY Fire Log House


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I have been trying to get my hands on some affordable Vintage pottery for a little while now and have had NO such luck. I was not about to spend several hundred dollars on a beautiful piece of Art that my children could very easily break during one of their wrestling matches or their other […]

How to make Pottery out of a Thrifted Vase


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"The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of happiness."

henry david thoreau